Day of Kartini

Senin, 29 April 2013

Assalamualaikm wr. Wb.

The honorable my teacher and my friend. Good morning every body…

Standing here, in front of you all. I would like deliver my speech. And the topic to day is “Day of Kartini”
We all know, every year, on 21 April. Indonesian people always celebrate kartini day. Celebration kartini day based on the life story of RA Kartini. We know, RA Kartini is National Indonesian heroin in the woment right and emancipation.

Kartini was born on 21 April 1879, in Jepara, Central Java. At the time, the condition of Javanese woment could not attend to school. Indonesian women did not have the equal rights as men obtained. Women could not get higher education. They were also forbidden to choose their ways of life, such as expressing ideas or opinion and choosing husband. Furtunately, because Kartini was born into a family with a strong intelektual tradition, she was allowed to attend school until she was 12 years old. She learned much, including Dutch Language. Kartini reading many kinds of book, like
nuewspapper and magazines about feminist thinking. They are inspirited and supported by Kartini to improve the conditional of Javanese women who had a low social status. Sevent years after kartini died, her latter ware collected and publish in 1972. We know as “Out of Dark comes Light”.

Kartini’s concerns were not just in the area women emancipation. But also, the problem of her society. Kartini saw the struggle for women to obtain their freedom, autonomi and legal equlity was just part of a wider movement.

Ladies and gantlemen…
We always celebrate Kartini Day every years. The question is, what should we do in celebrate it?
In my opinion, as Indonesian women. Kartini day does not only mean we must wear traditional clotes. The most important thinking is we are reminded about her struggle. kartini should become inspiration for Indonesian woment to get equality right as men abtainted, in education, an achievement, in politic and all of side.

I think that's all my speech. I hope will be usefull for us. I would like to say: “Happy Kartini Day…” Hopefully Indonesian women will always be successful in education, achievement and lifes. 

And the last I say,

Wassalamualaikum wr. Wb.

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